Prias, Andysen, Budi, Vivi, Detin, and darlin Chelsea,
came over to my place to swim.
went to their place to lepak first then we walked all the way to my place.
Cindy, Dewi and Fierra sayang couldnt make it.
Chelsea and me
sexy kan my syg? lol.
thanks for d welcome back to school post syg. iLy
we went back up to my place to shower, and chelsea had to go home dy =(
she missed out on a guitar n singing session.
then prias had to go,
he missed out the mirror signing.
my mirrors got signed
and here's the leftover of us, after mandi =)
andysen and my mom
we walked to Centro and had dinner. it was a windy walk
Vivi, Detin, me =)
had loads of fun being pushed and thrown and dumped into the water. haha.
wish u could join us Fierra sayang, missed u there. Cindy, u too!
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